A New London Low Emission Zone
From 1st January 2025, restrictions on the London Low Emission Zone (LEZ) will be tightened across the city as a part of the Cleaner Construction Initiative. Dawsongroup material handling can ensure your company meets the new regulations ahead of schedule and with no capital outlay.
The new restrictions focus on Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM), which produces 70 tonnes of particulate matter and 1350 tonnes of toxic nitrogen oxides in London each year. NRMM is a broad category which includes mobile machines, transportable industrial equipment, and vehicles, including forklifts, which have been fitted with an internal combustion engine.
The LEZ will apply to any NRMM that have Stage IIIB internal combustion engines (or earlier) and a rated power output of between 37-560kW. Currently, NRMM on sites within Greater London are required to meet the Emission Stage IIIB as a minimum, while NRMM in the Central Activities Zone or Opportunity Areas are required to meet Emission Stage IV. As of 1st January 2025, operators across all of London must meet Stage IV as a minimum.
Stricter requirements will encourage sites across all of London to choose low emission NRMM for their projects, reducing the environmental impact of the industry. NRMM with a power rating between 37kW and 560kW and operating in the new London LEZ must be logged using an online register to ensure compliance with the new regulations.
If a companies’ machines do not meet the new emissions standards, additional pollution control equipment can be retrofitted as an alternative to replacing the machine or the engine; however, the systems fitted must be authorised by the NRMM Low Emission Zone and issued an exemption. This will be an expensive process for businesses to carry out on what will usually be older equipment, so it is unlikely to make commercial sense.

This is where Dawsongroup material handling comes in. Our Smarter Asset Strategy provides our customers with access to the most up-to-date equipment which adheres to the new emission regulations. Our team of experts work alongside you to create the best possible solution for your business moving forward. We give companies complete agility in an ever-changing business environment, without the need for significant capital outlay and the risks of owning a depreciating asset.