Is It Time To Get Your Forklift Checked?
The importance of a LOLER certificate and the associated Thorough Examination cannot be understated in keeping your employees safe when working with forklifts and other lifting machinery.
Alongside daily checks, the Thorough Examination offers an in-depth annual check of all the major safety components. To be truly thorough, Thorough Examinations should go beyond what’s covered by LOLER (lifting components, hydraulics, etc.) and should also include a safety inspection of brakes, steering, tyres, etc. (as required under PUWER regulations). This is done through a visual examination and functional check, measurement of wear, and in some cases load testing of the machine.
But did you know that there are situations where you may need an additional Thorough Examination?
Described by LOLER as ‘exceptional circumstances’ they are events or actions that could compromise the safety of your equipment. These could include:
- overload, impact, damage or failure
- being out of use for long periods
- major changes, which are likely to affect the equipment’s integrity (e.g., modifications, or replacement/repair of critical parts)
Should your machine be impacted by any of these, then it should be thoroughly examined before being put back into full-time use.
If you are in any doubt about what should be included in a Thorough Examination, and when it should be carried out, call our expert team on 0113 287 4874 or visit https://www.dawsonrentalsmhe.co.uk/service-support/