Supporting good causes
Throughout 2019 we have been supporting causes such as Macmillan Cancer Support and Andy’s Man Club. As an organisation we believe it’s important to give back therefore, to raise much-needed money for charity we organised ‘dress-down’ days and staff members walked the 3 Yorkshire peaks.
Macmillan Cancer Support is a charity that supports individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer; the charity can provide information, practical advice and support. Through the charity, people can hear from the experts and read about other people’s experiences (Macmillan Cancer Support, 2019). On Friday 27th of September, we held our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. There was a variety of cakes baked including a Victoria sponge and a Ginger-bread cheesecake. We also engaged in plenty of games to raise as much as we could for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Our Sweeper division organised a charity fundraising event in aid of Andy’s Man Club. The club’s overall aim “is to get people talking about mental health issues and halve the suicide rate amongst men in the UK, which is currently the largest cause of death of men aged under 45. Since the first club was launched in Halifax, there are now 10 operating across the UK” (Points of Light, 2019). Andy’s Man Club provides a safe space for hundreds of men to talk. On September 7th, Steph Best (Assistant Accountant) walked the 3 Yorkshire peaks in aid of Andy’s Man Club, completing the walk in 9 hours. Well done Steph!
It’s great that the organisation can work together to raise money for selected charities, and at Dawsongroup material handling we look forward to lending our support to some great causes.
A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributed and got involved.
Macmillan Cancer Support (2019) Information and support. Macmillan Cancer Support. Available from https://www.macmillan.org.uk/information-and-support [accessed 21/11/2019].
Points of Light (2019) Andy’s Man Club. Points of Light. Available from https://www.pointsoflight.gov.uk/andys-man-club/ [accessed 21/11/2019].