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New Focus on Waste and Recycling for Sarah Black, Area Sales Executive

In the three years Sarah Black has been with the company, her success has grown in leaps and bounds. With a broad range of experience in all aspects of forklifts, Sarah brought enthusiasm and knowledge to her role as Area Sales Executive for Dawsongroup material handling – and now she’s branching out into a whole new area.

New Industry, New Equipment

The waste and recycling industry is a key aspect of the government’s strategy to create a more circular economy by minimising waste and promoting resource efficiency to preserve the UK’s stock of material resources. Dawsongroup material handling has identified the importance of this sector and the support that local authorities and other businesses need in managing their waste and recycling. To that end, new equipment has been added to its product portfolio and Sarah Black is the first port of call to assist existing and future customers with it.

“I’m really excited about working with the waste and recycling sector and seeing where it goes,” said Sarah. “Joining Dawsongroup was the best decision of my career. This is the perfect opportunity to build up my knowledge and experience in a new industry whilst sharing our Smarter Asset Strategy with existing and future customers.”

As part of her new focus, Sarah visited the JCB head office and TC Harrison JCB to gain a thorough insight into and full training on the new equipment – JCB Wastemaster telehandlers and wheel loaders. She is also working closely with Dawsongroup emc, JCB’s national contract hire partner for the revolutionary Pothole Pro, to supply the new equipment to local authorities where it is most needed.

The ability to hire these machines, rather than forking out the substantial cost of buying them, will provide companies with the resources they need to improve their waste and recycling management quickly and efficiently.

The Winning Combination

3 JCB Wastemaster wheel loaders in front of TC Harrison JCB buildingSarah’s new role will open fresh opportunities for Dawsongroup material handling through her meetings with new and potential customers in the waste and recycling sector. Always open, honest and transparent, she benefits her customers by listening to their needs and exploring all avenues to provide the right solution for them, whether that involves conducting a site survey, speaking to suppliers and manufacturers or anything else.

She is very confident in building relationships with people as she knows how important it is to develop and maintain that connection. She stays up to date with any potential changes in legislation or events which may affect her customers, and through regular meetings ensures all their needs are met and their business stays agile and ahead of the game.

As well as excelling at work, Sarah shines on the football pitch with her local team – they won their last match 15-0! She is a fantastic role model for both the under-11s girls’ football she coaches and her own daughter, Lottie. Her ambitions for the future are to continue to grow and develop by building up her knowledge and experience, and see where it takes her.

Come for the Experience, Stay for the Service

Customer satisfaction is Sarah’s driving force. She makes sure every customer is happy with the service they have received and that she and her team have provided the most beneficial solution for their business.

“Our customers come to us because they know we have the knowledge, experience and resources to support them, and they stay with us because the benefits and service we provide are second-to-none,” said Sarah. “We work with our customers to provide them with the solutions they need, whether that’s flexibility and agility through different length contracts, full maintenance and service, or quick lead times with no risk to capital.”


Contact Sarah for all your waste, recycling and material handling needs, or visit Dawsongroup emc for environmental, municipal and specialist vehicles. Find out how our Smarter Asset Strategy can support your business.

If you are interested in joining the Dawsongroup material handling team, or any other part of Dawsongroup, check out our careers here.